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Thursday, August 13, 2009

Is the USA still the land of the free? Apparently not if you're African American.

Is the USA still the land of the free? Apparently not if you're African American.

A few days ago at a Missouri town hall meeting, hosted by Senator Claire McCaskill, a black woman was forcefully escorted from the event after a white man walked over to her and snatched a poster from her. Apparently the rules were that no one was to display any posters.

As it turned out, the black woman, Maxine Johnson, had her poster rolled up and was minding her business. A reporter from the St Louis Post-Dispatch approached her, curious to know what was on the poster. She quietly unrolled it to show the reporter that it was a picture of Civil Rights Activist, Rosa Parks.

Suddenly, a 67-year old white man, James Winfrey, walked out of the bleachers and snatched the poster from her while others in the audience cheered. When Johnson went to retrieve her poster she was accosted by police and removed.

In an interesting twist of events, another video surfaced showing the same police officers speaking quietly to two white individuals that were displaying signs. Yet, they were left alone.

With the overwhelming evidence that illustrated the racial double standard by the police officers in this video, how long will it take for Maxine Johnson to get justice for what was done to her?

What would you have done had this happened in your country?

Russell Brooks is the author of the action thriller, Pandora's Succession. Subscribe for free at to listen to weekly excerpts.

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